Thursday, April 3, 2008

Better Than Anything Else Out There...

If you too have been less than impressed with new movies lately (besides Horton Hears a Who...that was great), go rent 2 Days in Paris. And no, it is not a sequel to One Night in Paris. Which, if you haven't seen though, is worth the rental.
So ignore "21", which is the most predictable movie in years, and rent this lil gem.
"And even if he wakes you up every day by sneezing right in your face, well you love his sneezes more than anyone else's kisses." -Julie Deply


ali and david II do blogs said...

hahaha, it's in my cue now.

meggan said...

The only thing that would have made this movie better is if it would have had a cameo from the original star of the day/night in Paris franchise. Good connection.

Lisa Maria said...

Steven. not only is this movie better than anything else out there, but so is your blog!