Monday, June 23, 2008


When I was younger, I was obsessed with X-Men and their powers (but I never read the comics...honest...I only watched the show and played with the action figures). I sincerely believed that if I tried hard enough, I too could have mutant powers. For hours at a time, I would try moving the TV remote from across the room to my hand by sheer will. All I had to show for that were headaches from staring at the remote all cross eye for too long.

After watching a superhero movie the other night, I got to thinking about mutant powers again. As a diploma-ed geneticist, I reasoned that not all mutations could be used in a fight, like the X-Men. I mean how you are going to fight alongside Wolverine's animal claws when your mutant power is making animal calls? Will your ability to boil water in a watched pot or the power to do long division in your head really keep the evil forces away? It is like that poor kid on Captain Planet that fought with the power of Heart while everyone else had Earth, Wind, or Fire. Lame.

I realized that I too have one of these non-fighting mutant powers. I have the ability to watch TV shows on DVD quicker than anyone else. I am being serious. I have the uncanny ability to make any show fix the schedule I want. I may have to leave for campus in 17 minutes, yet some how I am able to watch a 22 minute Will & Grace episode before leaving. I swear I can watch 4 episodes of the West Wing in the time it takes most people to watch 3 episodes.

The picture at the top is one I took in London almost 2 years ago with Bryan Singer, the director of the X-Men and Superman Returns movies. At first I had no idea who he was, so I called over some official-looking woman to find out. After demanding to know if she was famous too, I was informed it was him. I see it as proof of my evolutionary progress.

As I once told my Dad when he said I was self centered and demanding, "yes, Dad, I do believe that the world evolves around me."

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Rest is Still Unwritten

While interning in D.C., my fellow interns and I would spend hours on gchat talking about important issues, such as which other intern lost the TV remote and if for dinner we should go to Thai Palace or Taj of India. One morning, after watching a fresh episode of the Hills, we started talking about how funny it would be if MTV made a reality show in D.C. about the lives of interns called "The Hill." We laughed about our clever idea for awhile and discussed which of us would be on the show. I mean how funny would it be to watch two staffers run into each other in the Capitol and yell at each other "You're a sucky're a sucky person" or "You know what you did...YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!"

I swear...MTV was listening. According to this article by Perez, my joke might become a reality! But on the bright side...since I am moving back to D.C. maybe I can find a way to be on the show! I can be an East Coast Audrina.

And yes, this does answer the question I posted earlier about what college to attend. I will be attending Johns Hopkins this Fall in Washington D.C. And yes, it is Johns not John. I was talking to an academic advisor there the other day and I thought he had a lisp...but no. It is Johns.

Now only if MTV would listen up when I talk about bringing Undressed back...