Thursday, October 4, 2007

I'm not interesting enough to have 100...


20. For the 4.5 years I was at BYU, I never once went to class without showering. And I had class everyday.

19. I wish I lived in London.

18. I enjoy book shopping for than book reading. I own so many books I have never read. I always end up reading past favorites.

17. I don't eat meat off the bone. No ribs, wings, or anything barbaric like that.

16. I know way to much about anything pop culture related (movies, tv, celebrities).

15. I have the creepiest memory ever. I often lie when meeting people and say we haven't met before when I know perfectly well what class we had together, where they sat, and who they talked to.

14. When I was younger I got trapped between a cheerio and a blade of grass. Honestly. Granted, it was at Disneyworld's Honey I Shrunk the Kids part, but whatever.

13. I broke my wrist in junior high by running backwards and slipping on a fruit rollup.

12. Whenever I am home (even if it is only for 30 mins) I change into sweatshorts and a tee shirt. When it comes time to leave again, I never put back on what I was wearing before.

11. I wear polo shirts like everyday.

10. If I don't scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef before I die, I will be pissed.

9. I am scared of heights but not flying. Even watching a movie with heights gives me the chills.

8. One of my TAs last year asked me what country I was from. He thought I was from Eastern Europe.

7. I cry in movies that have dogs. If you ever want to see me bawl, watch Fox & the Hound with me.

6. If I do ever have kids, I think I am going to adopt.

5. My favorite pastime is eating. I can eat more than most people I know.

4. I believe there are only 5 people in this world (that I know) that I honestly hate.

3. I screen phone calls. A lot.

2. I am the world's formost expert on the genetic diversity of Phacelia argillacea. Like really.

1. I honestly have zero life ambition. I would be totally content never working another day of my life. When people ask, "if you could do anything, what would you do?" My response: "NOTHING."


meggan said...

I greatly enjoyed this written adventure! A few thoughts in response:
1. Did you cry during That Shaggy Dog? Don't pretend you didn't see it...
2. May have laughed out loud at both the fruit roll-up and the cheerio/blade of grass stories.
3. You wouldn't have such a creepy memory if you weren't such a stalker
4. What percentage of my calls do you screen? And who are the people that you hate???
5. You've been much better at wearing tshirts instead of polos lately
6. I have to shower and wear sweats every day, too...that's why we're friends.
7. Don't feel bad about being eastern European, I'm apparently white/ mexican/ irish/ gypsey, among other things

Ka-Ryn said...

I've known you 8 years and still learned something new about you. That's what I call a successful blog.

hanner said...

Is this the right blog?

meggan said...

will you please blog again??? for the love...